Pedestrian bridge at Norwalk’s Merritt 7 train station expected to open in mid-December

After months of supply shortage issues, the final pieces needed to finish the new pedestrian bridge at the Merritt 7 train station are expected to arrive, according to the Connecticut Department of Transportation. CTDOT is aiming for a mid-December opening for the new train station, with two weeks budgeted for the contractors to finish the work on the pedestrian bridge, he said. The bridge structure has been up since the summer; however, large sections of the glass are missing, which could cause safety issues in inclement weather, Morgan said. “There’s a lot of glass still missing from the bridge zone,” he added. Final pieces for the bridge’s elevators are also missing. Supply chain issues have affected other projects for CTDOT, including a parking garage in Stamford, on a project-by-project basis, Morgan said.

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