Occum Industrial Center gets go-ahead from Commission on the City Plan: what that means

Norwich Community Development Corporation (NCDC) President Kevin Brown said plans to develop a second business park are now more stable. The Commission on the City Plan met Tuesday, and decided on a 3-2 vote that the subdivision plan NCDC wanted approved for the Occum Industrial Center can go ahead. Throughout the process to develop these business park plans, NCDC has addressed needs brought up by the community, including setbacks and maximum building heights, even thought it is not a regulatory requirement. Brown also anticipates there will be sustained communication between NCDC and the residents near the 384 acres where the new business park will be, he said. NCDC is working on a federal RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) grant application for building the on and off ramp infrastructure for the new business park. While this grant was denied before, now having the subdivision plan and $11 million in state funds in place can make for a more compelling case, Brown said.


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