Norwich just committed to a Complete Streets policy. What does that mean for city roads?

The city council adopted a Complete Streets policy. Under the policy, Norwich would have to consider access to the roads by bicyclists and various pedestrians, including those with disabilities, families traveling as a group and people of different ages. Some ways this can be achieved, according to Monday’s meeting minutes, can include marking bike lanes and adding crosswalks, Americans with Disabilities Act compliant curb ramps and bike parking. Measures that don’t concern the traveling surface itself are also mentioned, including adding lights and greenery. Daniska said it wouldn’t apply to highways, larger roads, or rural roads, per Connecticut Department of Transportation definitions. With the new policy, Nystrom wants to see if the state’s Route 82 roundabout plan is compliant with the city’s policy. As well, he wants to see if it’s possible to move businesses affected by the construction to other parts of Route 82. For upcoming projects, McLaughlin said bicycle lanes, sidewalk work, and improved crossings for the New London Turnpike, from Norwichtown to Route 82, are being designed right now.

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