New interest in Anamet factory site being shown

City officials said Anamet, the 17-acre brownfield site, including a 180-square-foot High Bay building, is crucial to revitalizing the city’s South End. On Sept. 6, city officials terminated negotiations with Ideal Fish concerning Anamet after city officials expressed concerns that negotiations were not progressing the way officials had hoped. But since last year, the city has utilized $1.5 million to demolish three buildings, abate the High Bay building, map the underground utilities, and conduct additional sampling of the site to understand the extent of the contaminants fully, Hyde said. Hyde said there will still need to be further remediation of the site. The Waterbury Development Corp. oversees the grants and remediation of the site. To date, $9.5 million has been received for work toward rehabilitation of the site, most of which has been spent, according to Hyde.

New interest in Anamet factory site being shown

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