Montville housing project on schedule despite rejection of tax break

The Town Council on Monday voted 5-1 to not enter into a 10-year agreement with the project’s land owner Ox Owner, LLC, a subsidiary of the Massachusetts-based developer Dakota Partners. Dakota Senior Development Director Eric Kuczarski said the failure to reach an agreement will not kill the project and said construction at the 42 Pink Row property, home to the historic Faria Beede Mill, is set to resume in June. He said the now $43 million project is 45% complete and on track to be finished by June 2024. There was one caveat to the timeline. If for some reason the owner would not be able to complete the project by the proposed start date, it would be able to push the start date back until it was complete and could generate revenue from its tenants. Kuczarski said the timeline would motivate Dakota to complete the project as quickly as possible in order to take full advantage of the deal.

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