Massive ship delivers key wind turbine components to New London

The massive UHL Fierce cargo ship arrived Tuesday morning at Adm. Harold E. Shear State Pier with the first shipment of blades and gear boxes known as nacelles to be assembled here starting later this month as part of the South Fork Wind project. Ulysses Hammond, interim executive director of the Connecticut Port Authority, said the offloading process would start Wednesday morning, conducted by 20 to 30 mostly local longshoremen. He called the arrival of some of the most critical components in the wind turbine assembly process a “tremendous milestone” in the nation’s attempt to “advance the fight against climate change.” He noted that State Pier will play a critical role in the construction of offshore wind farms that will be an “immediate benefit” to Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York, helping to create new jobs, drive local investment and advance the state and nation closer to clean energy goals. The UHL Fierce, which came to New London via Germany and Denmark, is operated by United Heavy Lift. Its cargo included the massive wind turbine blades that are each as long as a football field and, at 656 feet in diameter, twice as wide.

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