How should Stamford use $5.6M to change the Atlantic Street ramp? Tearing it down is one option.

For years, the ramp heading into Stamford Town Center off Atlantic Street has been a sort of no-man’s land in the heart of the city’s downtown. Kooris is the president of the Stamford Downtown Special Services District, which was just awarded $5.6 million from the Department of Economic and Community Development through the State Bond Commission specifically to make the area more walkable and friendlier for non-motorists. Now that funding has been secured, Kooris said the next step will be figuring out what is feasible at the site and hiring a design and engineering firm. Kooris said he hopes to have more of a plan for the Atlantic Street ramp set up in the spring, with the hope of implementing some of the changes in 2024. “The ultimate goal is to improve the physical connection between the mall and the core of downtown,” he said. “This is all about taking a fresh look at that whole area.”

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