EPA plans $11.2M Raymark waste cleanup near Shakespeare Theater, boat club property in Stratford

The Environmental Protection Agency is proposing to dig up hundreds of truckloads of toxic waste buried along Shore Road as part of a new remediation project that is expected to take up to two years to complete. The agency is now seeking public comments on a newly announced $11.2 million plan to remove the soil, which is contaminated with potentially cancer-causing agents and other dangerous chemicals such as lead and asbestos. The proposed cleanup effort calls for crews to remove around three feet of soil at the shoreline of the 4-acre site, including the boat club parking lot and grassy areas, and two feet of soil on the eastern edge of the Shakespeare property. The project, which is expected to start in late 2024, is part of a larger yearslong effort to rid the town of exposed Raymark waste. As of July, the EPA has spent $64 million to remove about 62,000 cubic yards of waste from nearly two dozen private and town-owned properties where the material was dumped or used for fill decades ago.


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