Enfield’s All Sports Village to have 10-year fixed tax assessment once complex site plan is approved

Fast Track Realty, the company that is proposing to build a sports and entertainment complex near the Massachusetts border, is set to pay a fixed tax assessment for 10 years, providing the project’s site plan is approved. All Sports Village, as the project is called, is expected to have outdoor athletic fields and a new basketball building along with a hotel, restaurant, spa, bar, additional retail space, and entertainment center. It is forecast that the project’s improvements and new construction will increase the total fair market value of the property by about $85 million and provide a significant amount of economic spillover to the region as well as serve as a job creator, Zoppo-Sassu said. The project originally called for Fast Track Realty to lease a portion of the 32.6-acre Brainerd Park, which was donated to Enfield by Agnes M. Brainerd in 1958, for playing fields.


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