Developers withdraw plans for vacant Regal Cinemas in Branford

The vacant Regal Cinemas building may stay that way for some time after developers shelved plans to redevelop the site at one of the town’s busiest intersections. CP Branford LLC withdrew its application at the Planning and Zoning Commission’s April 18 meeting. Developers were seeking to have the parcel rezoned as a Planned Development District (PDD) that would allow the multifamily development and self-storage facility not currently permitted in the Local Business (BL) District. A commercial building, allowed in the BL zone, was to have housed the coffee shop and urgent care medical center. CP Branford LLC submitted four separate applications for the site with three different architects for each portion of the project: the theater, which would be remodeled as the self-storage facility, the new apartment complex and one commercial building for a medical office and drive-thru coffee shop.

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