Developer proposes apartments, condos in West Hartford Center

A developer has plans to build a new apartment building and condominiums in West Hartford Center. Marc Lewis, of Lexham LaSalle Development, is joining with Manafort WHC and West Hartford Arapahoe to form The Arapahoe Group with the intention of building two buildings at the corner of LaSalle Road and Arapahoe Road on property Lewis already owns. The project, six years in the making, would see the group develop the apartment building, 75 LaSalle, in what’s now the parking lot for the Webster Bank building. The condominiums will utilize lots behind the building. Lewis said he sees replacing parking lots and two office buildings on Arapahoe Road that aren’t being used with these two buildings as a boon for the area. The apartment building, he said, will also add about 3,500 square feet of ground floor retail space. There will also be green space that’s open to the public. So far, Lewis said they’ve had meetings with the town’s design committee, and have already made some design changes based on their recommendations. He’s hoping to put the plan in front of the town council by August or September. Construction, he said, could take two years.

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