Cheshire Crossing condo residents want future home of Whole Foods, TJ Maxx renamed

Driving directions, package deliveries and emergency calls could get confusing if a shopping center under construction in the town’s north end — future home of Whole Foods, TJ Maxx and other destinations — uses the same Cheshire Crossing moniker. That warning came in a cease-and-desist letter this week from the homeowners’ association that represents Cheshire Crossing condominiums, a 92-unit, age-restricted development built in 2005 along the Cheshire, Wallingford town line. The letter concludes with the association telling Regency to refrain from using the Cheshire Crossing name for any portion of the Stone Bridge Crossing development. Representatives of Regency Centers could not be reached for comment. The letter was also sent to both Cheshire and Wallingford emergency services, the Wallingford Economic Development Department and the local media.

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