The city is seeking $6.9 million in state grants for environmental cleanup at the historic Yankee Pedlar Inn and at former industrial sites around town. Glenn Carbone, operations manager for Torrington Company site owner IRG Realty Advisors — and the mayor’s brother — said taking down two more buildings at the 70 North St. property will help ready it for possible redevelopment. He said the company has had discussions about putting a fuel cell that could power the property and construct buildings for innovative manufacturing. Preliminary sketches indicate the possibility of putting in two or three manufacturing buildings, plus a fuel cell, he said. The $600,000 would also cover the cost of securing contaminants and facilitate ground and soil remediation to remove and cap contamination revealed after the buildings are razed, Lopez said. Last October, the city applied for a $24 million grant to develop state-of-the-art facilities on the site and to expand Dymax at 318 Industrial Lane.