National organization to study safety of Willow & Nicoll streets in New Haven’s East Rock section

A national organization that aims to help develop safe, livable cities will work with East Rock neighbors and alders to study the intersection of Willow and Nicoll streets, which has been the location of a number of motor vehicle accidents over the years. Strong Towns, a non-profit organization, will conduct a virtual “Crash Analysis Studio” session over Zoom on April 2 at 6 p.m. after being approached by neighbors working with East Rock Alders Caroline Tanbee Smith, D-9, and Anna Festa, D-10, Tanbee Smith said Monday. Among the solutions under consideration are a four-way stop, sidewalk bump-outs or bollards and a speed table, she said. The request for Strong Towns, which is headquartered in Minnesota, to get involved came from two residents, Rishabh Mittal — who works as a transportation planning consultant — and Peter Clark, said Tanbee Smith.

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