Construction in Norwalk, other towns on Route 7 and Route 15 will close lanes for months, officials say

A project to repave sections of Route 7 and the Merritt Parkway in the city will begin Friday, officials say. On its wesbite, the DOT said the work will also be taking place in Trumbull, Stratford and Milford. It said the contract was awarded to Waters Construction Co. at a cost of $11,349,172. Officials said Route 7 north and south will have lane closures from Friday until Oct. 21 from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., with ramp closures during that same span of months from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. They said Route 15 will also have lane closures from Friday until late Oct. from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m., as well as ramp closures from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Likely starting in 2027, it calls for five traffic signals to regulate the flow of vehicles entering and exiting the highways; four new bridges; a replacement bridge; and new roadways on Norwalk’s Main Avenue and Creeping Hemlock Drive; and new ramps that make Route 7, the Merritt Parkway and Main Avenue more accessible to each other, according to DOT’s documentation from 2023.

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