Big step taken in revitalization of Berlin town center as work will begin on Steel Center

Big step taken in revitalization of Berlin town center as work will begin on Steel Center

Located next to the Berlin train station, this is the first phase of a three-phase, $18 million project that will bring 76 market-rate apartments and 19,000 square feet of medical, restaurant, retail and office space. “At this point, they have the go ahead on renovating the existing building at 861 [Farmington] and starting new construction at 903 [Farmington],” said Chris Edge, Berlin economic development director. Edge expects work to begin on the two sites no later than a month from now. The project also includes the addition of Steele Boulevard, which will connect the new buildings on Farmington to the train station and allow the surrounding area to be developed additionally over time. That part of the project will be funded locally and with grants from the state and Berlin Mayor Mark Kaczynski announced that Guerrera Construction from Oxford will be doing that work.

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