As road work continues in Middletown, find out what streets are slated for completion

With a goal of repairing some 10 miles of local street surfaces by the end of the year, crews will be paving, milling, patching and conducting other preservation efforts through the fall. Next up will be curbing and more preservation work on the south side of town, in the Chauncy and Chamberlain roads neighborhood, by October, weather permitting, Weissberg said. Paving is “sorely needed” in these areas, he explained. Construction typically begins in late spring. “We hit the ground running in May,” the director explained. The department is using some techniques that haven’t been used in Middletown in the past to ensure longevity. State Local Capital Improvement Program funding, as well as city road bonds, are paying for the work, he said. The director, who asks for the public’s patience during the process, acknowledged traffic delays and other issues will be a “challenge” for motorists.

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