With help from state, Cheshire transforming West Main St. area

The town is continuing efforts to transform the West Main Street corridor into a more walkable, “town center” environment, and the state of Connecticut is helping move the planning process along. A Brownfield Area Revitalization grant from the state Department of Economic and Community Development is a key part of the corridor’s continued growth. Martelli said Cheshire provided a 10% match in order to secure $100,000 in funding from the state, to be used primarily for planning purposes. A separate BAR grant, in the amount of $925,000, is being used for remediation and renovation at Ball & Socket Arts. A steering committee that includes town staff and representatives of SLR Consulting, the project consultants, has met with “over 17” property owners within the district and will continue to do so. He noted that the town’s Planning and Zoning Commission will have a public hearing on the subject at a future date, perhaps as soon as the first few months of 2024.


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