West Hartford is ‘refining’ its town center redesign, moving forward with major roadway projects

Original plans presented in November showed the town was ready to shift all street parking from angled parking to parallel parking, which would decrease the amount of street parking but mean more of the streetscape could be used for wider sidewalks, expanded outdoor dining, and other amenities like street furniture. Those plans also showed a buffered sidewalk-level bike lane on Farmington Avenue that has also since been removed from designs. Town Manager Rick Ledwith said on Wednesday morning at the Town Council’s Community Planning and Economic Development committee meeting that the town has heard feedback from residents preferring the original plan known as option A over the redesigns that were presented in April. Ledwith said it’s likely that more details about the plans will come at June’s committee meeting. The town is expected to finalize plans this year with the hope of starting construction in 2025.


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