Torrington council to hear request for more funds to finish school project

The City Council on Monday will hear a request from the school project building committee to begin the process of setting a referendum for an additional $20 million needed for the project, originally slated to cost $159.5 million. The new project cost is $179.5 million and the additional funding will need voters’ approval, with at least 15% of city electors required to cast a ballot in a standalone referendum, according to the city charter. If voters approve the additional $20 million, city taxpayers will be on the hook for $26.9 million. Ed Arum, co-chairman of the building committee, said an increase in student enrollment ramped up its projections for the building. David Cravanzola, construction manager for O&G Industries, told the building committee last month the cost of steel has risen 120% and aluminum framing 70% during a national supply shortage.

Torrington council to hear request for more funds to finish school project

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