A key rule on the New England power grid will end, but not for a while

Late Friday night, days before its deadline that fell on the holiday weekend, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approved a plan from regional power grid operator ISO-New England to change how it acquires power for the grid in the future. The slow transition is already sparking worries that more fossil fuel power generation will get entrenched in the grid before the rule changes. Connecticut and other New England states have renewable energy and greenhouse gas emissions targets, if not mandates. As a result of the MOPR, ratepayers wind up paying more for power to meet those targets. Dykes and all but one of the other New England states didn’t support the change, but they didn’t oppose it either. “It’s a long way from not opposing to supporting,” she said early this year. She also pointed to the ISO’s contention that a transition period would better insure grid reliability. She reiterated that stance in comments filed with FERC. But some dozen groups, including Acadia Center, filed comments and responses to comments opposing the slow transition.


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