White House Rolls Out ‘Action Plan’ to Speed Project Permitting

Construction industry officials and many federal lawmakers have long complained that the federal permit-review and approval process takes much too long, running up project costs. Administration officials on May 10 unveiled a “permitting action plan ” that outlines steps agencies can take to expedite environmental and other reviews for a project’s road to a federal permit. Samantha Silverberg, the White House’s deputy infrastructure implementation coordinator, said, “Delivering projects on time, on task and on budget is our top priority.” She noted that to help reach that goal, the infrastructure act includes new mechanisms and expands established entities that deal with reviews and approvals. Silverberg also gave an update on the pace of distributing IIJA funds. She said that in the nearly six months since the IIJA’s Nov. 15 enactment, more than $110 billion of its estimated $1.2 trillion in funding has been announced and is moving to states, localities and other entities.


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