Utility work to replace mile-long water main in Ridgefield starting soon

Since the water main on Peaceable Ridge is at least 75 years old, it’s “very limited” at providing adequate service to that area of town, First Selectman Rudy Marconi said. The current line is too small to handle the capacity of newer homes on the street, he explained, noting that some homeowners there rely on well water. “This will give those homes an opportunity to tie into public water, which is good,” he said. The project will replace approximately 6,000 feet of underground pipes. Workers will score the road one section at a time to excavate the existing infrastructure, install the new one and then seal the section with a temporary patch, Fazekas said. “Peaceable Ridge is … all rock, so they’re going to have to blast down through there because a water line needs to be approximately six feet deep,” Marconi said. “If you’re doing 6,000 feet, figure at least 15 weeks.” Fazekas said the work would occur in sections to “limit the disruption for the customers.” Construction will take place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, so residents should expect traffic delays and detours.


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