Torrington City Council approves road reconstruction, paving projects

This summer, a number of road resurfacing and repair projects are scheduled to begin, including work on Prospect Street, Torringford Road and numerous residential streets around the city. One of the projects, for for reconstruction of the Bogue Road Bridge, off South Main Street, was tabled until the council’s next meeting in July, after Councilwoman Keri Hoehne questioned the cost-sharing. Bogue Road is used by heavy trucks and other vehicles and leads to the Harwinton town line. Under the original agreement that was approved by referendum in 2018, the town of Harwinton agreed to pay 14 percent of the project cost of $2,377,351. The City Council also approved a bid Monday for $1.35 million from PAC Group LLC of Torrington for the Torringford East project, with includes milling, grading and paving a mile of the roadway.

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