Torrington battery project gets boost

The City Council agreed 5 to 1 Monday to authorize Mayor Elinor C. Carbone to negotiate a lease agreement with Walden Renewables of Portland, Maine to lease six acres at the landfill. In the initial six-year development period, the company will pay $5,000 a year while it looks into permitting and connecting the facility with Eversource. After that, it will enter a 40-year lease at $6,000 per acre with a 2% increase per year. The facility, which would potentially hold between 100 and 150 megawatts of renewable energy, would be connected to the Eversource power grid and serve as a backup for power “to save for a rainy day when we have a capacity event,” Dale Knapp of Walden Renewables of Portland, Maine told the City Council last month during a presentation on the project. If the solar array and energy storage facility are built, there will still be about 55 undeveloped acres left at the landfill, he said.

Torrington battery project gets boost

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