New Britain will utilize millions of dollars from unused bonds for new city improvement projects

In a special meeting Wednesday, the city’s Common Council voted to use the sum of $26,950,000 to be appropriated for the cost of various capital improvements for the city. The decision was made after the council voted to close out completed capital projects and de-authorize any related unused bond authorizations. The money from the unused bonds, in part, will be appropriated for new projects. Proposed projects include the construction of a new public works yard, improvements at the Stanley Golf course, the purchase of various capital equipment, temporary and permanent financing costs, and the interest costs on the bonds authorized. Director of Parks, Recreation & Community Services Erik Barbieri said the funding would significantly help with improvements to the Stanley Golf Course. “Since 2015 we’ve been able to not work in the red anymore but work in the black, and the golf course is doing exceptionally well, we’re still working on a net deficit over the lifetime of the golf course,” Barbieri said.

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