Lyme-Old Lyme Selects Committee to Oversee School Construction, Excludes Chief Critic

A project cost of as much as $57.5 million was approved by voters in a November referendum, and will include replacing boilers, installing HVAC systems, and code upgrades at Mile Creek, Lyme Consolidated, Center School and Lyme-Old Lyme Middle School. It also includes the addition of classrooms at Mile Creek Elementary School. The only requirements for the committee, which consists of nine members and three alternates, is that at least one person has experience in construction. The committee will be responsible for recommending an architect, construction manager and possibly an owner’s representative. They will then oversee the entirety of the project as it progresses. The board eventually voted 6-2 in favor of Zimmermann, with Jenn Miller and Chris Staab voting against. Wilson did not vote. The board appointed Wilson as chair of the Building Committee and Powell-St. Louis as vice chair.

Lyme-Old Lyme Selects Committee to Oversee School Construction, Excludes Chief Critic

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