How CT plans to memorialize a historic Farmington River dam after demolishing it

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection is working on a plan to demolish the now-obsolete dam and open up the river for fish passage. But project officials must contend with the historical aspects and impacts of any potential removal, which they discussed at a public information meeting in Avon on July 2. And for the dam removal project, which has construction costs estimated at $5 million, DEEP has to comply with state regulations and go through the federal regulatory process just as any other entity would, said Ramona Goode, the project manager and state dams sanitary engineer for DEEP Water Planning and Management Division, at the meeting Tuesday. Both DEEP and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, which is funding the project and serving as the lead federal agency for it, have been consulting with the state’s preservation office for the last few years to ensure the proposed dam removal is in line with the National Historic Preservation Act.

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