Failed plans, many owners, contaminants: The UConn-West Hartford campus’ long road to redevelopment

But with the most concrete proposal for the property on the table — West Hartford 1 LLC wants to turn the former college campus into a mixed-use residential and retail development featuring 620 units of housing, a grocery store, a restaurant and more — a decision on the site’s future is looming. It’s been one year since the developers first proposed their plans for the deserted site and there are hurdles yet to clear, including an upcoming Town Planning and Zoning and Inland Wetlands and Watercourse Agency meeting, future public hearings and Town Council debate, before a plan is finalized and shovels on what developers are calling Oakwood Park can go in the ground. Plans have morphed since they were first proposed in October 2022, when the developers pitched the general concept it has landed on today: a “neighborhood” type village that combines multifamily housing with retail, restaurants, and more. In the year since, developers have appeared at numerous Design Review Advisory Committee meetings, using feedback to shape designs to where they stand now — 620 units of housing split between apartments, townhouses, and assisted living, all existing alongside space for retail, a restaurant, a grocery store, a cafe, and more.

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