Developing last open land in Norwich business park a challenge

The Inland Wetlands, Watercourses and Conservation Commission is reviewing a plan by property owner Sammy Piotrkowski to create two development sites on the Norwich side of a 77-acre property Piotrkowski purchased last December that spans the border of Norwich and Franklin. Forty-six acres are off the dead-end Myrtle Drive in the Norwich business park. Norwich wetlands commission members walked the property last week and plan to discuss the proposed project at a special meeting at 7 p.m. Nov. 16 at the planning office, 23 Union St. At the Oct. 5 wetlands commission meeting, David McKay, a project engineer for Boundaries LLC, representing Piotrkowski, told the commission the project would involve clearing 18.6 acres of the Norwich property and grading it to create a 4-acre site behind St. Jude Commons senior residential facility and a 1.4-acre site behind the FedEx property. City Planner Dan Daniska said the commission will discuss the proposed development at the Nov. 16 meeting, but it’s uncertain whether the commission would be ready to vote on the application that night.

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