Colchester Voters OK Added $1.5M For Senior Center Project

Another $1.5 million for the senior center building project was overwhelmingly approved by voters in a referendum on Tuesday, resolving the town’s yearlong attempt to cover the looming shortfall. The additional funds include approximately $32,000 in federal coronavirus relief funds, a $575,000 donation from the estate of Stephen Bendas and $892,300 in additional bonding, increasing the total project budget from $9.5 million to $11 million. The project has been short on funds since October 2022, when it was revealed costs would rise. After making some reductions, the town voted to make up the shortfall using the $575,000 donation and additional funds from Colchester’s Unassigned Fund Balance. Current First Selectman Bernie Dennler said he was glad the additional funding was allocated, since the building’s construction is underway.

Colchester Voters OK Added $1.5M For Senior Center Project

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