City leaders recently toured sites of future transportation projects

City leaders recently toured sites of future transportation projects with Deputy Commissioner from the Connecticut Department of Transportation, Garrett Eucalito and discussed future development prospects. Caggiano said that he and economic development staff spoke with Eucalito about IAAJA (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act) funding which cities will be able to apply for through a competitive grant process. “There is about $6 billion in IAAJA funding available through a bill that the Biden administration passed in November,” said Caggiano. “These are competitive grants which can possibly provide matching grants to communities investing in infrastructure. I was told that they will be looking for ‘shovel ready’ projects when awarding these grants. The DOT doesn’t necessarily have the resources to do design work for all of these projects. The fact that we have recently completed our corridor study will put us in a good position to help Bristol get grants.” Caggiano said that many of these projects take several years to begin construction. But, he said that Eucalito suggested they may begin moving along quicker in the future.

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