A new solar farm is being planned with Windsor in mind. Here’s where it might go.

Although the official proposal has not yet been submitted to the Connecticut Siting Council, Verogy, a solar developer, has informed the Town of Windsor of its intention to build a large solar panel “farm” on existing farmland at 445 River St. The project, called Windsor Solar One, would generate 5,513 mega-watt hours per year, enough to power 760 average homes. If approved, the project could be completed as early as fall of 2024. The benefits to the town, as listed on the site, include increased new annual tax revenue with no burden on town services, infrastructure upgrades that will improve the reliability of the town’s electrical grid, reduction in energy demand during peak usage which will decrease energy costs statewide, and stronger renewable energy resources that produce electricity locally with no pollution.

A new solar farm is being planned with Windsor in mind. Here’s where it might go.

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