After 8-year wait, Mystic River Boathouse Park poised to become reality this fall

After an eight year wait, residents may finally see a long-promised waterfront park come to life in the coming months. While preparing to send the $4.8 million Mystic River Boathouse Park project out for bid this summer, the town is simultaneously awaiting results of two living shoreline grant applications totaling $1.14 million dollars that could offset the town’s current project deficit of $1.18 million. The project began in 2016 after residents approved $2.2 million in bonding to purchase the 1.5-acre Greenmanville Avenue site just north of Mystic Seaport Museum. With environmental remediation grants, the town has funded $3.67 million of the newly estimated $4.85 million project. Chesebrough said the bid process will start this summer and probably take until early fall to complete, at which point work like grading the site and removal of a shed on the property could be completed before work pauses for the winter.

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