West Hartford Center master plan could bring ‘dramatic changes’ to major roadways

Duane Martin, West Hartford’s director of community development, said in updating the town’s Community Planning and Economic Development Committee on Wednesday that input is still being sought on the plan the town intends to use as a guide for reconstructing West Hartford Center. In August, the town launched the master plan study, which the consulting group Stantec is completing. The town is paying Stantec $400,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds to complete the study and plan. Martin said Stantec has provided the town with a variety of ideas for the two roads and requested a specific “technical memorandum” for LaSalle Road, which has been the focus of a variety of opinions from stakeholders. Martin said a second public workshop would likely be held Jan. 9 at the town hall. He anticipates two sessions that day, one in the morning and one in the evening.


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