43-Year Tweed Deal Amendment Detailed

City officials close to the process expect local legislators to take up and debate this proposed two-page amendment, which is still in draft form, as part of the larger discussion Thursday night. However the alders vote on Thursday will determine much of how the Morris Cove-based regional airport is governed and operated for the next four decades. This spring, Avports announced plans to invest $70 million in private funds into building a new four-to-six-gate terminal on the East Haven side of the property and lengthening the airport’s main runway to 6,635 feet. It also plans to invest $5 million into traffic, noise and environmental mitigation in the surrounding neighborhoods. The Board of Alders will meet on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Aldermanic Chambers on the second floor of City Hall to vote on the proposed 43-year deal, among a host of other legislative items.


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