Public Works and Utility Commission staff are set to move into their new office building this week, part of a phased municipal complex building project almost two decades in the making. The Representative Town Meeting approved funding for the $15.8 million project in 2018. The town has appropriated $800,000 from its unassigned general fund balance toward the cost while the other $15 million is being bonded and will be paid down over the next two decades. Public Works Director Gary Schneider said one of the reasons for tearing down the old office building is because an old heating oil tank leak is in the soil beneath the structure. In late 2016, the project hit snags with a previous architect suffering financial challenges, and in 2017, the town held off while awaiting word on the availability of state aid. When the project went through the approval process in 2018, some town officials expressed concern about what they saw as exorbitant costs.