Wallingford’s community pool renovation resurfaces after four years, town officials say

Work on the Wallingford community pool is likely to resume soon after it stalled in 2020 at the start of the pandemic. He said he decided to get an estimate first so the town could reassess the original pool design — which was estimated at $7.4 million — and gauge what could be changed since it’s been four years. Usually the town goes out to bid on the project first. The existing pool is massive — three times larger than an Olympic swimming pool at 43,000 square feet — and its age has proven a costly maintenance concern. The plan calls for ripping it out and replacing it with a smaller 8,000-square-foot-pool, a new bathhouse and picnic pavilion, a splash pad, an expanded parking lot and new landscaping, as well as a lawn for volleyball, a performance stage and other activities. With how construction prices have fluctuated since the pandemic, it remains uncertain if the cost for the project would increase substantially. Already the town has committed large resources to other improvement projects, with the new police headquarters and renovation work on the schools. But town leaders said they remain wholly committed to seeing the pool reopened as quickly as possible.


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