Torrington students to begin school year in old high school, move to new state-of-the-art building in January

On Thursday, students will return to school in the old high school and in January, they will move to the new building. With most of the big jobs behind them, crews have begun working their way through punch list items, said Building Committee Co-Chair Edward Arum and Superintendent for O&G Industries Brian Pracuta. Ground was officially broken on the project in October 2022. Initial plans for the 310,000-square foot school, which will house students in grades seven through 12, were to complete the high school portion by December 2024 and bring students in by February 2025. The project, however, is ahead of schedule so students will be let into the high school in January. Middle School students are expected to be let in by September 2025. Major Besse Drive will be closed and only accessible for construction traffic until Aug. 27. Public can access the property via Daley Drive behind the school near the athletic fields.

Torrington students to begin school year in old high school, move to new state-of-the-art building in January

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