Torrington details plans to reconstruct Prospect Street

Prospect Street, which runs parallel with Main Street, is getting a face-lift, and the public this week had a chance to hear about the plan during a Zoom forum. Improvements include new sidewalks and bicycle lanes in wider areas of the roadway on the northern end near North Elm Street. The bumpy pavement and sidewalks that have been patched and repaired repeatedly over the past 10 years will be replaced, along with new granite curbing. The money, Kundzins said, will include $1 million from the state under the Department of Transportation’s Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program, and about $1 million from the city. The city will remove all asphalt paving, curbing, sidewalks and driveway aprons, and replace with new asphalt and concrete sidewalks, driveway areas and curbing. Dedicated bicycle lanes will begin from the Pearl Street intersection, where there is a traffic light, and continue to the end of Prospect Street at North Elm Street.

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