A 46-acre property at 132 Spencer Hill Road could become home to a solar farm. The undeveloped land was purchased by Vineyard Sky Farms Corp. in February for $860,000. The council in February approved a proposal for the development and construction of a 3.74-megawatt, ground-mounted solar array from Greenskies Energy. The project calls for the installation of about 8,200 individual panels, which should generate 5.9 million kilowatt hours per year, enough to power 350 to 450 typical homes. No work, however, has begun on the Greenskies project, Green said. The plan is for Greenskies to lease 16 acres from the 190 acres owned by Frank Ahern and Karen Merete. The property consists of forest, wetlands and a pasture/hayfield. Meanwhile, Vineyard Sky is allowed to cut the trees down because it owns the property and is only opening up more space for grazing, an agricultural use of the property, Green said.