Spinnaker outlines plans to add three buildings, 166 additional apartments to downtown Hartford development plan

Spinnaker Real Estate Partners’ plans for a dense redevelopment of a former state office property at 55 Elm Street in Hartford is advancing with praise from city staff. A master plan heading before the city’s Planning & Zoning Commission Tuesday details the size of residential buildings Spinnaker plans to add to the 3.2-acre property. This first phase is estimated at about $63 million and, according to Spinnaker co-partner Matthew Edvardsen, is anticipated to begin in the first quarter of 2022. Spinnaker’s plans for additional buildings on parking areas of 55 Elm St. is fleshed out in its master plan request. Once launched, construction is anticipated to take up to 15 months. Construction of the 85-unit building would begin as the second phase of construction winds down, Edvardsen said. Edvardsen said the project’s launch has been slowed by COVID-19 related delays but said progress will soon be visible on the ground.


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