Southington unable to pull off land swap for reconfigured West Street intersection

Town leaders weren’t able to pull off a complex land swap deal to reconfigure the Spring Street and West Street intersection in time to receive state money but still hope to make the roadway improvement in the future. Since the road project wasn’t ready, the town instead applied to use the state’s grant to resurface the Southington High School track. Spring Street ends at West Street but doesn’t quite line up with West Pines Drive, which intersects with West Street just a bit to the north. That unusual geometry has resulted in accidents and traffic delays, according to town officials. DelSanto said there have been more than 40 accidents in that area over the past three years. In July, town leaders were notified about the state’s Small Town Economic Assistance Program grants. That gave Southington five weeks to submit an application on how it would use $500,000.

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