Town officials are inching ever nearer to solidifying plans for additional sidewalk improvements in the Sound View neighborhood that they say will improve pedestrian safety on Hartford Avenue and Shore Road, as well as further help connect the community to its beach areas. After being awarded a state grant to help pay for those improvements in late 2018, the town, through what’s known as the Community Connectivity Grant Committee, has been working toward planning and designing those sidewalk improvements since early 2019 with BSC Group engineers of Glastonbury. The $400,000 grant is earmarked to cover only construction costs associated with the project, while the town is responsible for paying for its engineering and design work. Bid prices will determine whether the entirety of the project can be completed at once. BSC Group engineer Kurt Prochorena, who has been designing and engineering the sidewalks with the committee, said at the committee’s last meeting in July that the town may be able to complete the full project within its allotted $400,000.