Cleanup of the Raymark Industries site is mostly on schedule at this point, environmental engineer Jim DiLorenzo from the Environmental Protection Agency said at a public meeting Wednesday night. Cleanup efforts are focused on removing soil containing lead, chrysotile asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and copper, according to a Raymark Community Advisory Group meeting presentation from Dec. 2017. After remediation of the lot is complete, the EPA and U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers will also remediate plots at Beacon Point, Hitchcock Marina and possibly Third Avenue and Lockwood before the year’s end. The group hopes to be done with the remediation portion by the end of 2024, DiLorenzo said. The contract for construction on a storm water system upgrade has been awarded, fellow project manager Mike Looney said. The construction will start in late May and is expected to take nine months. The contract was awarded to the cleanup’s primary contractor, Sevenson Environmental, Inc., which has subcontracted John J. Brennan Construction Company. Looney said John J. Brennan will be doing most of the work.