A wire fence encircles the historic General’s Residence property at 908 Boston Post Road, along with caution tape blocking off a hole that has been dug just beyond the front door. Now the house and site will be developed into an upscale condominium development. At its May 21 ZOOM meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission “conditionally” approved Madison, LLC’s proposal to develop the land around the General’s Residence at 908 Boston Post Road and the adjoining property at 916 Boston Post Road. The property was acquired by owners/developers, Adam Greenberg and Timothy Herbst, under the business name the General’s Residence at Madison LLC, in October 2019 for about $1.8 million. The plan is to take down the General’s Residence building. In its place, a replica of the house will be built, containing two housing units, with seven smallish homes on the rest of the property in a cluster development.