Oxford and Southbury officials :Damage to exceed $100 million

Town officials in both Oxford and Southbury say the damage in their towns from Sunday’s massive flooding likely will exceed a combined $100 million. Those estimated repair bills do not include damage sustained by private homeowners and businesses, whose structures in some cases were literally torn from their foundations or incurred internal flooding damage that may be beyond repair. Gov. Ned Lamont’s official declaration of a state of emergency is expected to pave the way for federal assistance in what is expected to be a lengthy recovery. Middlebury First Selectman Edmond St John said if President Joe Biden declares the areas a national disaster area, the door opens for towns like Oxford and Southbury to seek federal monies through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). According to FEMA’s guidelines, an individual homeowner may only seek reimbursement for the uninsured damage to their home.

Oxford and Southbury officials :Damage to exceed $100 million

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