Norwich City Council delays action on proposed new police station

A last-minute amendment to a proposed $44.7 million bonding ordinance to build a new police station forced the City Council to delay a vote Monday to approve the ordinance and place it on the Nov. 7 ballot for a referendum. The council now must act at its Sept. 5 meeting on the proposal, two days before the state deadline for placing items on the referendum ballot. In response, during council discussion, Alderwoman Stacy Gould amended the bonding ordinance to include language that the total projected $44.75 million cost include any state or federal grants the city might obtain to support the project. The council adopted the amendment, and the council will hold a public hearing on the amended ordinance Sept. 5 prior to a vote to send the item to referendum. The $44.75 million also would include potential property acquisition and demolition costs.

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