Norwalk’s Calf Pasture Beach Road improvements to begin after Labor Day

Improvements and adjustments to Norwalk’s Calf Pasture Beach Road are slated to begin after Labor Day. Part of the road leading residents to Norwalk’s Calf Pasture Beach is on the Gardella family’s property, who issued a deed agreement with the city in 1922. Now, a century later, both the park and Gardella’s marine businesses are thriving community staples in East Norwalk. After seven years of discussion, the city and the Gardellas came to an agreement last fall to add three connections from the road to the Gardella property and reconfigured the exit lane to help facilitate traffic flow in and out of the beach. If the Gardellas wanted to improve their property in the next six years, they would be required to gain approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission, which approved the easement plan. As a part of the Marine Commercial Zone, the Gardellas’ property must have a water dependent use like the marina that is currently there. The Public Works Committee moved forward with a contract with FGB Construction Company, which also worked on the skate park for the city, to the full Common Council.

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