New Haven remains bullish on apartments as record year — with 1,000+ units coming online — projected

New Haven is poised to have a record number of new apartments come online in 2024 from several high-profile projects. More than 1,000 new units will be available for rent in 2024, marking one of the city’s largest single-year residential expansions in the past two-plus decades, according to economic development officials. Since 2014, the city of New Haven has added at least 3,500 new affordable and market rate apartments. There’s another 3,500 units in the works for the next few years, not including the 1,000 apartments expected to debut in 2024. Developers working in the city say new builds are seeing lease-up times cut in half, down to around three or six months now as opposed to roughly nine months to a year about a decade ago, Fontana said. New Haven is seeing strong demand for all kinds of units, including smaller studios and one-bedroom apartments, as well as two- to three-bedroom units for families, Fontana said.

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